Uipath Activities

Different types of Activities

                         Uipath comes with a great variety of activities to perform different automation tasks. With this rich set of activities . In additional to that if we require an additional functionality that is not present then we can create a custom activity which is explained in later article. Below picture represents uipath studio 
UiPath Studio
UiPath Studio
                         The activities are present in the left hand side activity pane where all the activities are present categorized under different sections. The other panes include the output pane at the bottom. On to the right contains Properties pane and outline pane.  On the top contains the tool bar.
                         Now lets get more into the activities, initially I will explain frequently used activities later on I will add on more


This activity is placed in the workflow to group or hold a set of activities in it. All linearly executed actions are placed one after the other in a sequence.

Try Catch

This activity can be used in place of sequence or inside a sequence where exception handling is required. This activity comes in 3 parts TRY part contains the activities that may throw an error, CATCH contains activities that catches the error if occurred and error handling code is placed here. FINALLY contains the final actions that need to be done in either cases whether exception happened or not.


This activity is used to assign a variable with a value or expression. We can even write dotnet C# code snippets to perform operations like database select, string operations, datetime operations etc.

Excel Activities

Excel Application scope

Opens the specified and excel and creates the scope for opened excel application once the activity completes execution the scope is closed. All related operations needs to be performed with In the scope i.e.., inside the excel application scope activity.

Read Range

Reads the specified excel and stores the output in the datatable. This activity needs range and sheet name. if no range is specified it reads entire sheet.

Write Range

Write the datatable to the specified excel. This acitivity needs range and sheet. Can specify a non-existing sheet name to create a new one. If no range is specified then it writes from “A1”.

Read Cell

Reads the specified cell from the specified excel. This activity also requires cell number and sheet name.

Write cell

Write a particular value to the cell specified in the specified excel.
Note: Excel activities are used inside excel application scope whereas workbook activities need not be used inside excel application scope activity. 


Append CSV

Appends the specified DataTable to a CSV file, creating the file if it does not already exist. This activity requires FilePath - Full path of the CSV file. Datatable- Specifies the DataTable to be appended to the CSV file. Delimitar- Specifies the delimitator in the CSV file. It can be comma(',') or semicolon(';').

Read CSV

Reads all entries from a specified CSV file. This activiyt also requires FilePath - Full path of the CSV file. This activity gives output dataTable - Represents the output DataTable that contains the information obtained from the CSV file.

Write CSV

Overwrites a specified DataTable to a CSV file.This activity requires AddHeaders - Boolean that specifies if the column names from the DataTable will be added to the output CSV file, FilePath - Full path of the CSV file,Input-DataTable - Specifies the DataTable to be written in the CSV file, Delimitator - Specifies the delimitator in the CSV file. It can be comma(',') or semicolon(';').


Read PDF Text

Reads all characters from a specified PDF file and stores it in a string variable.This activity requires FileName - The full path of the PDF file to be read. Only String variables and strings are supported.

Read PDF with OCR

Reads all characters from a specified PDF file and stores it in a string variable by using OCR technology. This activity requires FileName - The full path of the PDF file to be read. Only String variables and strings are supported.


Open Browser

Opens the specified URL in the specified browser. This activity is used while performing web automation.

Screen Scraping

This activity gets data from the screen.

Type Into

This activity types into the specified into text field. This activity requires text to type into the text field.


This activity performs the click operation. Properties can be set to double click, right click etc.


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